
White quotes

We really wanted to find a platform that would create that extra layer of security. We’ve had video visits from 44 states and 12 different countries. Incarcerated people have something to look forward to with these [free] video visits. I can even see it helping with disciplinary issues internally and potentially shifting our culture. I think it gives people hope.

Beth Skinner, Director, DOC



Users served




Cost savings / month

Family Communication Suite
Legal Comms
Legal Communications
In-Person Scheduling
In-Person Visitation Scheduling

Family Communication Suite

In 2021, Iowa replaced Google Meets with Ameelio’s video communciation platform. Iowa has now expanded to using Ameelio’s entire communication suite, including: electronic messaging, and voice calls. Loved ones are now able to communicate with any incarcerated person in Iowa completely free of charge. We save Iowa families millions annually. ‍ Our system enables correctional staff to easily manage visitation requests, monitor calls, access recordings, and more. Ameelio’s platform not only democratizes access to free communication, but it saves departments an abunance of labor costs.

Legal Communications

In 2022, Iowa began using Ameelio’s legal communciation platform to enable their incarcerated population to safely communicate with their attorneys. Unlike our competitors our platform is built to protect attorney-client priviledge, enable document sharing. work collaboration, and more. Iowa attorneys have championed this innovation.

In-Person Visitation Scheduling

In 2021, Iowa approached Ameelio to build an in-person vistation scheduling feature into our communication suite. Before launching the feature, vistiation scheduling was inefficent and very time consusming for both correctional staff and famiies. Now, staff are able to manage all visitation both virtual and in-person in one easy-to-use.


While Ameelio’s software can work on any hardware, including existing DOC owned computers and tablets, we also provide DoCs the option to purchase Ameelio’s propiertary ruggedized tablets. Iowa has deployed Ameelio tablets inside its prisons, enabling their population to easily make calls, send e-messages, learn, access entertainment and much more.

White quotes

We really wanted to find a platform that would create that extra layer of security. We’ve had video visits from 44 states and 12 different countries. Incarcerated people have something to look forward to with these [free] video visits. I can even see it helping with disciplinary issues internally and potentially shifting our culture. I think it gives people hope.

Jason Holder

Technology Manager DOC

White quotes

I love this app and when I was in Loudon Co jail, I told all my fellow inmates about it. It truly makes a huge difference in your day behind bars when you get mail and it boosts your confidence knowing the world may keep on spinning without you but that there is at least someone that notices your absence and misses you.

Devon Jones

Incarcerated person

White quotes

Ameelio's video calling platform is so easy to use — it's going to save us COs an abundance of time, make our work more efficient, and get our prison population reconnected with their families at no cost.

Mike Gass

Iowa Correctional Officer

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Other states we partner with...


The Connecticut Department of Corrections is the unified state agency that is responsible for all correctional facilities in the State of Connecticut, incarcerating approximately 9,000 people, in both pre and post trial custody. Connecticut does allow for state revenue to be generated from commissions. As required by Public Act No. 21-54, the Department must provide free voice communications to all incarcerated adults and children beginning on October 1st, 2022. Following October 1st, 2022, the Department may not collect any commissions from communications, and if the Department also provides video communications and electronic mail services, then those must also be provided to incarcerated people and their families for free. The Department is currently considering an RFP for voice communications and its tablet contract with Securus expires in 2024.

No items found.

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A deep dive -- comparing the state of communications in state prisons and major metropolitan jails.





New Jersey

Phone Call







New Jersey


Video Call







New Jersey









New Jersey







Sub 1









Sub 2







New Jersey


Sub 3







New Jersey


Since Connecticut is a unified state system, people are not incarcerated pre-trial or for misdemeanor sentences in county jails, rather all individuals are held in state custody at state facilities. Because of the unified system, which is also present in Alaska, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Delaware, and Vermont, the cost of communications is no different between individuals pre or post trial. Currently, Connecticut phone calls cost $0.00/minute and video calls cost $0.00/minute. In total, the Department generates $1,000,000 in comissions per year from the sale of communications services. Beginning on October 1st of 2022, Connecticut will be the lowest cost of communication state at free and will be recieving no commission revenue. While all phone calls are required to be free, incarcerated individuals will not be able to have more than 90 minutes in voice calls per day.

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Connecticut will soon be the first no-kickback free communications state in the country. However, the state is continuing to bundle its services in contracts that limit the number of vendors that can compete. While communications are free, the telecommunications duopoloy is still maintained by the legislation in Connecticut. Ameelio is continuing to campaign for publicly owned broadband, independent education technology contracts, and debundling in Connecticut.


Zo Orchingwa

August 15, 2022


5 min read

[Pagination Test] End kickbacks and commissions

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has


Zo Orchingwa

August 15, 2022


5 min read

[Pagination Test] End kickbacks and commissions

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has


Zo Orchingwa

August 15, 2022


5 min read

End kickbacks and commissions

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has


As both an advocate and a provider, Ameelio is able to provide immediate relief and support to incarcerated people and their families in Connecticut. Below you can find a petition addressed to the Connecticut Department of Corrections, the Office of the Connecticut Governor, and the Connecticut Legislature to address the hi gh cost of communications for incarcerated people and allow Ameelio to provide free communications to incarcerated people and their families in the state.


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